the cut-up technique

I’m ashamed to say I’ve had an “experimental” literature blog for over a year and have yet to do any cut-ups.

Well, that’s not entirely true. I write one every day and choose one I like at the end of the week. I’ve done this with my other poetry stuff. I started doing this with cut-ups at the beginning of September.

Normally, this isn’t pertinent information. In this case, the names are numbered. So, no, you are not “tripping,” there really are numbers missing.

cut-up no. two

cut-up no. four

cut-up no. eighteen

cut-up no. fifteen

cut-up no. six

cut-up no. eight

cut-up no. eleven

cut-up no. nineteen

cut-up no seven

cut-up no. twenty-seven

cut-up no. nine

cut-up no. five

cut-up no. sixteen

cut-up no. thirty

cut-up no. thirteen

cut-up no. twenty-nine

cut-up no. twenty

When Clouds Appear as Mountains is Live!!

My first novel, When Clouds Appear as Mountains, is available in paperback and Kindle!

This has been a (non-continuous) decade in the making! It seems crazy that I’m actually finished with it. It is fiction, but it draws heavily from my life as a 19-year-old weirdo. It felt like I was living in the novel at the time, and after about a dozen re-writes, that novel has come to fruition.

Anyway, it has been a crazy few months since I moved. But now that this novel has been released, my solo band’s new album is out, and my guitar pedal company is becoming more stable, I should have some more time for more literary experiments (as well as time to start on the second draft of my next novel!).

Thanks for reading.