Hakon had to get out of his head, if only for a for minutes. He stepped out to take a walk, hoping that some fresh air might help his mood. But the bitter weather was what had him brooding inside in the first place. Naturally seeking warmth, his body huddled over. In his downward gaze, he saw a little purple plastic egg poking up out of the snow. He took his hands out of pockets and picked it up. He opened it and found a symbol scrawled across a small piece of paper.

The symbol struck him. He came to, unsure if he stood looking at the symbol for five seconds or five minutes. He decided he should go back inside. He took the egg and its contents with him.
He tried to research the symbol on the internet but was having difficulty coming up with the right words. He decided to draw the symbol out in a primitive image editing program, it wasn’t too complicated. Then he did an image search online. There was one result that looked just like it. He checked out the page, but all it said was “magick is real.”
These days, I’m just tellin’ stories.