Speculation of Bad Things to Come

I have a difficult to shake feeling of impending doom.

An unsaid but, let’s face it, common opinion: North Korea, Russia, and China, in as much that nations can be personified, do not have good intentions, at least not from the perspective of most other nations.

This is not to say they are fundamentally evil, or that there is no logic underlying their actions and apparent thoughts.

But that is what is actually troubling. These are not the actions of deranged people – they are deliberate plans, standing on logic which, while I do not agree with, accept to not be nonsense.

At the time of this writing:

  • Russia has been in the process of seizing Ukraine
  • North Korea has been developing nuclear weapons
  • Relations between China and Taiwan, as well as China and the United States, are deteriorating

Considered alone, these separate issues are troubling and even cause for alarm. But considering the ties between these nations, something much larger could be on the horizon.

None of these nations have expressed out-right disapproval of each other’s actions, none of these nations can truly rely on any nation but each other, to varying degrees, at least.

For the time being, that seems to be the only connection among them. But in the future, they may very well be seen as the prelude to a horrific, global conflict – assuming this conflict leaves anyone standing in the aftermath.

Part seven of Nine Months of Non-Fiction.